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Southall Gasworks

Contact us

National Grid is returning to the site to undertake some environmental improvement works on a small piece of operational land on behalf of Cadent Gas Limited.


This website will be updated as the project progresses. If you have any questions, do get in touch.

Our work

In early 2021, National Grid and its contractor successfully carried out environmental improvement works on the Cadent land to remove the contents of a historical tank.

We are now undertaking further improvement works to the site.


The first stage of these works was completed in June 2022 and involved some investigation works to better understand the condition of this piece of land and to inform the design of the next stage. Stage two, starting in January 2023, will see our specialist contractors deliver the necessary improvement works on Cadent's land.

For further information, please refer to the FAQs.

The former Southall Gasworks site is currently being redeveloped by the developer, Berkeley.

Contact us 


Have a question or need more information?

You can get in touch with us at:

0800 319 6186

(9am-5.30pm, Monday to Friday)

Working hours


Our working hours will be 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. We are not expecting to work on Saturday, but if works are necessary, we will work up to 1pm.

Click here to download a copy of our project FAQ, which has been updated to cover stage two of the works:

Latest News

March 2024

Update: Our environmental improvement works are continuing to take place on Cadent's land. We expect this work to continue until late 2024. We will provide further updates as the project progresses.

September 2023

Update: We are continuing to carry out environmental improvement works on Cadent's land. We expect this work to continue into early 2024. We will provide further updates as the project progresses.


March 2023

Update: The drilling activity on site has been completed.

February 2023
Update: The drilling activity, originally scheduled for early February, is now expected to start on 20 February and last 2-3 weeks.

January 2023
We are back on site to carry out environmental improvement works on Cadent's land.
The work entails the recovery of DNAPL ('Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids') from the groundwater through pumping via a bespoke, sealed system.
The work will also include a short period of drilling activity, lasting for approximately two weeks in early February. There will be no odours associated with this work. We initially estimate the works will take roughly 9 months to complete, but we will review progress with the regulators at the end of this period.

June 2022

We have now completed our ground investigation works. We will be returning to site later this year to undertake improvement works to this small piece of Cadent land.  

April 2022

Ground investigation works start

February 2021

Our remediation is now complete.


The soil remediation in the historic tank is now complete and the enclosure has been dismantled. We will still be on site for a couple more weeks while we remove our staff cabins and equipment.

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Enclosure fully dismantled

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Halfway through dismantling the enclosure

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 Remediating the soil 

January 2021

Our enclosure is now completed and the remediation work has now begun. Contaminated soil will not be treated or stored on site. The soil will be placed in sealed HGVs inside the enclosure and then transported directly off site to an established soil treatment facility in Redhill and a licensed landfill site in Peterborough. We expect the works to be completed by the beginning of March 2021.


December 2020

Our enclosure is nearly complete


November 2020

The frame is now in place and will be enclosed in the coming weeks

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November 2020

We have received consent from the London Borough of Ealing to go ahead with the remediation. We will now begin building the structure that will cover our remediation work area.

October 2020

We are currently agreeing access routes and ordering equipment before we move on to the site in early October.


Aerial map showing our area of work

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